Sunday, August 17, 2008

Back to School Bash

Friday, EIS had a Back to School Bash to start off the year. It was very entertaining watching The Cool Guy/Cool Girl contest from each grade-level and listening to The Battle of the Bands. We had no clue what language they were singing in, much less, what key. Nevertheless, it was funny. They had a group of Americans do the judging so that we wouldn't be biased to any groups. As you can see, we have a very large student body, 1200+ students, K-12. We're still learning how to pronounce our students names and the words to the National Anthem sung in Thai every morning but getting bowed to and being called Ma'am and Sir is definitely spoiling us. We are blessed with air conditioning in our classrooms on the 6th and 5th floors, living across the street, and really cheep food in the cafeteria. From the picture you can see, our school has a rule that student's are only allowed to speak English on campus. Points get taken away, therefore, docking their grades if caught. The problem is, these kids' Thai accents are so thick, their English sounds Thai. Bekah doesn't seem to be having a problem still being a hard-ass (only in the classroom) and it's slowly rubbing off on Daniel. Although, we've both had students fall asleep in our classes. We might need to spice up our lessons a bit, though I think they just can't understand what we're saying. Well, one week down, several more to go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the children are very excited that you got to go to thai disneyland. it looked fun. love you